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May 2021 UPD:
female body preset / 6 versions
10 items

Jan 27 UPD:
Detailed Butt Slider as overlay body preset
(you can optionally install this mod if you are not using the slider for example)
can be used in conjunction with other custom body presets
6 options that follow each other in the body presets section in cas
the last one cancels the non-removable overlay effect
125% and 150% - these are completely new enlarged versions
New slider version with 50% increased butt
you need to replace the old slider file with this new one

November 2020:
Male body presets completed updates,
Free downloads.
Nov 28-29 UPD:
girlie body preset:
now free
available for witch + mermaid sims
old azog + david body presets:
now free
improved and smoothed shapes,
fixed roughness, some shading problems and geometry bugs like this:

Oct 26 UPD:
old azog + david body presets:
available for witch + mermaid
removed broad shoulders
improved shapes
new preview images:

male body preset
male body preset
male body preset (4 versions)
female body preset (2 versions)

May 3, 2020 UPD:
dorian male body preset / 3 versions
Apr 3, 2020 UPD:

latex costume unisex gloves:
wasn't displayed, needed the "get to work" installed. now fixed
added seams and small folds as decorative details
added 3 new fullbody items:
latex costume male fullbody
latex costume male fullbody + thor mid
latex costume female fullbody + pure shape breast mesh without nipples

April 2020 UPD:

3 April:
only for non-default breasts added the ability to remove the nipples texture
in cas for each item you have 2 swatches: first with texture and second without
26 March:
added textures for nipples into all packages, both default and non-default. will help those who don't use custom skins and who have nipples that look pale or invisible
added xml tuning files only into the non-default packages to display breasts in the WW Body Selector
Breast meshes (3) + Default versions
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